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Channeling and Mediumship

Meet Sue

Channeling and Mediumship
Firstly, thank you for visiting my page where we serve with lots of Love and Light. Welcome.

I am a Pure Channel of Source Energy and am very blessed with my Divine gift which I value and treasure so much. For my readings I connect with Spirit and passed loved ones, doing so in utmost love and respect for the person and their loved ones in Spirit. I am extremely passionate about connecting with Spirit. With the miracle of technology, I feel blessed in that I can do readings for persons who live in different parts of the world. I have communicated for that purpose with people in the US, the UK, Mozambique, India and all around my beautiful country, South Africa.

Growing up I was religious but now I am Spiritual and therefore respect all religions and even persons who don’t believe in religion.

There is one “God” whether we call it God, the Universe, our higher self or frequency and it is within us all. We seek solace and answers from the outside but now with mother earth transcending from 3D to 5D we can very easily go within and get all the answers to life’s questions.

Besides readings and group crossing overs I also collaborate with some Divine souls and hold events, workshops and house parties.

I have a BA Economics degree which I studied for many years ago. Have run a business with my ex-husband. Also worked for corporate and learned quite a few life lessons.

When I turned to Spirituality, I just fell in love with it because it is so freeing, no stringent rituals and no “or else”. We are allowed to be ourselves and have no “danger” of punishment. It is because we have God inside of us that we are able to live and let live, in my opinion.

As I have been on my journey, I have learned so vey much with lessons from the likes of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer – my absolute favourite life coach Abraham Hicks, Louise L. Hay, Dr. Joe DIspenza, John Edward, Dr. Brian Weiss, Deepak Chopra, Kryon, Dolores Cannon and many more and I am very grateful for the impact of their teachings in my life.

Thank you again for taking the time to read thus far, I hope to hear from you and be of service to you.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

Enjoy the journey.

Messages from Passed Loved Ones

Group Crossing over events

Spiritual Conflict-Resolution for Individuals and Couples

Group Crossing over events

Divine tools workshop


Channeling and Mediumship

Come find out if you have any messages from your passed loved ones in heaven…. In-person or via zoom or whatsapp call

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