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Our Services

Our Offerings

Messages from Passed Loved Ones

International readings done so far include the UK, USA, Maputo and India. In South Africa I have many happy clients that I have done online readings for. I am very blessed in that. Word-of-mouth has been a great blessing for me. Get clarity, comfort, closure and lots of love from your passed loved ones. Should there be questions about the passing of a soul, we connect with your Spirit team and ask for assistance with answers. One on one private readings or family readings done in-person or online via WhatsApp call or Zoom. My readings, on average last anywhere between 45 and 75 minutes but just because I absolutely love channelling messages, I don’t clock-watch if I don’t need to, ie. If there isn’t another booking scheduled after the session. I work ALWAYS in LOVE AND LIGHT. I have never nor do I ever intend to venture on the dark side, yes where there is light there’s always dark but going to that side is moving away from God and letting the ego take over. In my years of channelling messages from passed loved ones and Spirit teams, I have learned that once the soul crosses over, there is only love and light, no negative emotions such as anger, resentment etc. those belong here on the earth school where the soul incarnates to learn lessons and evolve.

Divine Tools’ Workshops

This workshop is for beginners and for those who are curious about energy work. Ever feel exhausted after being out of the sanctuary of your own home? Shopping centres, hospitals, corporate buildings etc. each hold negative energies and if you are not aware of them, you tend to absorb them just by being there, learn how to protect your aura while in different spaces. In a fun-filled workshop we show you how energy works by means of various spiritual “tools.” We check your chakras, balance them and teach you how to protect your energy while in different spaces. In this workshop we also introduce you to different spiritual and metaphysical healing modalities. Basic introduction to angels and Archangels, crystals, making energy balls, Tapping, Ho’oponopono and the likes. You can then begin to use the ones that you resonate with. Manuals are provided.


We have vast experience in this area and would be able to help individuals and couples resolve their misunderstandings, conflicts and any negativity within themselves or with others. There are numerous methods we suggest where relevant, to do the inner work and thereby shift your energy and raise your frequency in order to bring harmony to your mental, physical and metaphysical space.


Stuck energies can lower your vibration, give you, your family, fur babies and even your business or career bad vibes and hold you back. They could also cause depression and bad moods. Things don’t progress as you’d like them to. Have us clear the space and let the energy flow and make life flow. Online option available where I guide you on exactly how to use the tools to clear your space. We do the clearing together. This has proven to be a great option for those that are not in the Johannesburg area, I have done some in the UK, USA and Mozambique.


We have had great success in doing group crossing overs and numerology events at coffee shops. We are always looking for new venues that are interested in hosting us to bring clients into their businesses during quiet times. Groups of 10 or more up to whatever the capacity of the venue is, none too big or too small. We also do HOUSE PARTIES if you would like to host one in the privacy of your own home, provide the catering which consists of tea, coffee, juice and a light snack, finger foods etc. that’s your choice and we would be happy to come in and do the live group crossing overs and numerology or Reiki or any collaboration available at any given time.


To quote my absolute favourite life coach Dr. Wayne W. Dyer –“The paramount reason for meditation is to get into the gap between our thoughts and make conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself”, which for some is God, the Universe, Higher Self”. We, as humans, have 60,000 thoughts everyday and most of them are recurring thoughts. Meditation helps reduce those thoughts by calming the mind and relaxing the body. If we can get those thoughts down to 30,000 and eventually, with regular meditation practices, we get them down to 6,000, the mind would have a profound relaxing effect on the body thus creating serenity and calmness in our lives. We have a small weekly circle right now. The ladies and gents that attend are absolutely “hooked” on meditation and are grumpy when they miss a session, lol. We meet in person in Brackendowns, Johannesburg South and after a grounding and protection routine we use guided meditation videos, different ones each week.


I have been asked about souls that have committed suicide, obviously each case is different but in my readings I have been guided to understand that suicide is a soul choice, as much as any other way the soul passes. There is a stigma attached due to human belief systems that suicide is bad, it’s merely one more method of “going home” and being a soul choice, it cannot be bad as your soul, which is pure creative Source Energy (Abraham Hicks channelled by Esther Hicks) never makes bad choices. Each time I do an individual reading it comes through with so much love and so much light, it’s cliched but that is exactly how it feels.

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